Wedding photographer Seychelles – the year in review 2016

Wedding photographer Seychelles – the year in review 2016

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1788
Another year is coming to an end – a year that could hardly have been more eventful! I would like to start my review of the year with a particularly sad event:

In July, we had to put to sleep our dog Leika, who had faithfully accompanied us for more than ten years. Unless you have already lost a beloved dog yourself, you cannot imagine how painful this experience is. For Tom and Emmi it was of course particularly difficult to understand why Leika is suddenly no longer with us and now lives on in the clouds… 🙁

It soon became clear that we needed another dog in the house to complete our pack. And so, a few weeks later, we met “Kalle” by chance. Kalle was found on the street in Spain and brought to a foster family in Bochum by kind people (at that time Kalle was still called Gregory, but we quickly renamed him). It was there that we saw the Akbash mix for the first time and immediately gave our hearts to the huge puppy, who now weighs over 40 kilos at just ten months old. Kalle is the perfect family dog! He really lets the children offer him everything – even when things get a little wilder. You hardly notice it in the house. But he can also really step on the gas outside. Welcome to the Dickmanns, Kalle! 🙂

There was also a lot going on professionally in 2016: it all started when the well-known men’s magazine “Penthouse” published my photographs from the Seychelles. Also the Seychelles Tourism Boardwhich is run by the Seychelles Tourism Minister, published dozens of my photographs in advertising catalogs and on numerous social networks.

I was drawn to both Mauritius and the Seychelles in 2016. The bridal couple I photographed in Mauritius actually left the choice of destination up to me! Cindy and Mirko from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern didn’t really care which dream beach on earth they got married on. The main thing for them was that I take the wedding pictures! Isn’t that an incredible honor? I was delighted and suggested Mauritius. The two agreed immediately. Let someone else say that life is not a concert of wishes… 😀

A very special highlight was of course the Seychelles trip in October, during which I photographed with seven couples and was accompanied by a camera team from WDR, which filmed a 90-minute documentary about the Seychelles for the popular WDR format “Wunderschön” on the islands. With the popular presenter Tamina Kallert I traveled across the islands and had six fantastic days of filming with the whole team. The program will be broadcast for the first time on Sunday, 29.01.2017 at 20:15 on WDR television. You can find some great pictures from the shoot below, taken by my colleague Stefan Redel, who traveled with me, along with numerous other pictures from 2016. The pictures were taken in the Seychelles, Mauritius and here in my home on the Lower Rhine.

There’s already a lot on the calendar for 2017: In the first half of 2017 alone, I’ll be traveling to the Seychelles three times for wedding photography. The first wedding on La Digue is also firmly on the calendar for April 2018. As you can see, somehow I can’t get rid of the Seychelles… 😉

I wish you all a happy new year and a successful and, above all, peaceful 2017. Stay healthy! 🙂
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