Photo of the week: Wedding on La Digue

Photo of the week: Wedding on La Digue

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1377
As a wedding photographer in the Seychelles, you sometimes have to get into the water with your camera: Yvonne and Steffen had a little water fight at Anse Source d’Argent at sunset after their wedding on La Digue. I was a little worried about my photo equipment, but this beautiful motif was worth the “risk of precipitation”… 😉

At Anse Source d’Argent, you can watch a fantastic sunset almost every evening (provided the spectacle does not take place behind a closed cloud cover). That’s why I take every couple who get married on La Digue and book me as their wedding photographer to Anse Source d’Argent for at least one afternoon – because a sunset on this spectacular beach is always a very special highlight!

The light moods and the play of colors of the famous rocks at the Anse Source d’Argent are often so spectacular that they always make my photographer’s heart leap with excitement! I’ll be back in June and hope to be able to marvel at many beautiful sunsets again!
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