Review of the “free” trade fair in Munich

Review of the “free” trade fair in Munich

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1632
Today marks the end of “free” – Bavaria’s largest vacation fair. As the Seychelles are this year’s partner country, I was present at the STB (“Seychelles Tourism Board”) stand on the first two days of the fair, which the STB shared with “Seyvillas”.

The STB stand was a hive of activity from morning to night. It filled me with pride that the huge exhibition stand was largely “wallpapered” with my photographs. On the first day of the fair, hundreds of visitors had their picture taken by the fair photographer in front of the huge picture of giant tortoise Esmeralda (the world’s largest giant tortoise, which has even made it into the Guinness Book of Records due to its size and body weight) and our son Tom and then received a printout of the photo. It can therefore be assumed that Tom now stands or hangs in hundreds of living rooms.

In any case, it hangs in a particularly large format in the entrance area of the trade fair, as the photos below impressively show. I was almost bursting with pride and joy when I entered the hall for the first time: an XXXXL-Tom! And more of my pictures are also hanging in “exaggerated size” in the exhibition halls. My smaller photographs, which the trade fair visitors receive outside the hall, can soon be ticked off under “further afield”… 😉

In the evening, we all had a very good meal together in the “Waldwirtschaft”. Thanks to the instruments they had brought with them, the Seychellois turned the meal into a spontaneous party that kept everyone on the edge of their seats. The restaurant was spontaneously transformed into a dance floor. The atmosphere was simply gigantic!

There was music, dancing, singing and laughter for almost two hours. Unbelievable! “We Germans” would never be able to pull something like this off. The Creole joie de vivre is simply spectacular! Even the landlord just stood there grinning broadly in bewilderment and shaking his head in disbelief. Forgive me, but I had to promise that the pictures of this evening’s “Creole party” would remain under lock and key… 😉

And now it’s time to switch off the computer and heave the suitcase into the car, because our plane to the Seychelles is taking off in less than four hours. From April I will present you new photos from the upcoming weddings in the Seychelles! 😀
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