In March 2009, Praslin, the second largest island in the Seychelles, attracted a particularly interesting assignment: the world-famous 6-star hotel “Constance Lemuria Resort” wanted new photos for current advertising brochures and the hotel’s own website. Especially the main restaurant “The Legend”, the spa area and the beautiful “Anse Georgette”, the hotel’s own dream beach, were to be captured in professional photographs – exactly my thing! I lived in a suite for three days at the invitation of the resort – and only reluctantly vacated it after completing the assignment… 😉
My conclusion about the Constance Lemuria Resort for all travel enthusiasts: A really very appealing luxury hotel in a spectacular, almost unbeatable location! Below are a few of the hundreds of photos taken over the three days in March 2009:
The PHOTOMAN at the Lemuria Resort, Praslin
- Torsten Dickmann
The PHOTOMAN at the Lemuria Resort, Praslin
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