You already know Nadin and Marco if you read my blog regularly. The two of them have received so many wonderful pictures from me that I will certainly show you some more.
This photo was taken on our second day of photography just before sunset at Anse Source d’Argent. The day tourists had long since disappeared when the setting sun bathed the most photogenic beach in the world in that magical light that I love so much.
As the tide had reached its low point at exactly this time, I was able to place Nadin and Marco in front of the rock on this mini-beach. This area is mostly in the water; only at high tide, as experienced on the west coast of La Digue in October and November, does this tiny stretch of beach appear.
In case you’re wondering what those dark spots in the water are: It’s seaweed. The shallow waters of Anse Source d’Argent are interspersed with fields of seaweed. Did you know that the presence of seaweed is a sign of particularly healthy seawater? 🙂
For all those who have never been to La Digue or have at least not made it to the last stretch of beach at Anse Source d’Argent visible here, here’s a hint: there are two wonderful juice bars hidden in the lush greenery on the left, where you can stock up on delicious drinks. At 100 rupees (currently around EUR 7), such a refreshment is not exactly cheap, but it is incredibly tasty and healthy – because only fresh fruit is used in the juices, which are also available with a shot of delicious Takamaka rum for an additional charge.