Wedding on La Digue at the Grand Anse

Wedding on La Digue at the Grand Anse

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1221

If you like my blog or my activities on Facebook (The photo man on Facebook) regularly, you’ll know that I haven’t been back from the Seychelles for very long. Why was I there again in December? Well, because Doreen and Ingmar got married on La Digue!

The couple had traveled from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to the wedding island of La Digue and enjoyed a wonderful wedding ceremony at Grand Anse in the finest Seychelles weather, as you can easily see from this photo. By the way, the pretty lady in the hat is not Rannie, the registrar of La Digue, but the groom’s mother! 😀

I had already recommended Grand Anse as a wedding venue to Doreen and Ingmar months before the trip – and after I showed them photos I had taken there, they shared my opinion… 😉

This wedding was once again organized by the best wedding organizer in the Seychelles in my experience. And since he lives on La Digue, of course nothing could go wrong… 😀

Doreen and Ingmar wanted a very natural, no-frills decoration for their wedding venue. I had already coordinated all of this with the wedding organizer in advance of the trip and explained to him in detail what was desired and what was not. And he delivered 110%!

The weather was perfect, the decorations were an absolute dream – and the location couldn’t have been better chosen. Or can you imagine a more beautiful place to get married?

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