Wedding photographer Seychelles on 05.05.2018 on TV at SAT.1!

Wedding photographer Seychelles on 05.05.2018 on TV at SAT.1!

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 2267 2

Hello everyone,

I haven’t blogged here for what feels like an eternity. This is mainly due to the fact that it is much more convenient to upload a current photo to Facebook or Instagram than writing a post here on the blog.

If you want to stay up to date, you should definitely follow me on Facebook and Instagram:



But now to my topic for today:

Maybe you have already noticed: Next Saturday, I will once again be on TV as a wedding photographer in the Seychelles! I spent a few great days on La Digue with SAT.1 in March 2018 and showed the camera team some particularly beautiful corners of my favorite island. Of course, a wedding on La Digue was not to be missed! 😀

The report will be broadcast for the first time on Saturday, 05.05.2018 from 19:00 on SAT.1! I won’t be able to watch it “live” myself, as I’ll be photographing a wedding here in my home town on the Lower Rhine. For all those who also cannot make it on 05.05. can watch: The program will be published on youtube afterwards! I don’t know exactly whether this will happen on the same day or a few days later. But I know that you just have to enter “grenzenlos die welt entdecken seychellen” on youtube and you should end up at “my” reportage without any detours.

So, and now follow me on Facebook and on Instagram! 😀

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