Wedding Seychelles – Photo of the week: Wedding on Mahé (Seychelles)

Wedding Seychelles – Photo of the week: Wedding on Mahé (Seychelles)

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 990

You don’t know Ilse and Klaus yet, because I photographed their wedding on Mahé just a few weeks ago. The lovely couple from Lake Starnberg had secured the most beautiful villa at the Banyan Tree Resort (I’m still raving about the phenomenal view of the bay!) and celebrated a gorgeous Seychelles wedding at Anse Intendance in phenomenal weather. The wedding ceremony was perfectly organized by the cordial staff of the Banyan Tree Resort!

The day after the wedding, we set off very early to the east coast so that we could start our morning Seychelles wedding photo shoot before sunrise. I am now showing you one of the photos I took here. Have fun looking at them!

P.S.: In just five weeks I will be photographing the next wedding in the Seychelles! The couple decided to have their wedding on La Digue. Pictures will follow of course!

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