Wedding Seychelles – The year in review 2017!

Wedding Seychelles – The year in review 2017!

It’s that time again – New Year’s Eve. Another year has been “ticked off” – and it was the most eventful year since I started my own business twelve years ago!

One of my highlights of 2017 was the first broadcast of the WDR report “Wunderschön – Traumziel Seychellen”. If you follow my work, you will know that I was in front of the Westdeutscher Rundfunk television cameras in the Seychelles in October 2016. My work as a wedding photographer in the Seychelles was documented in the popular travel program “Wunderschön” – and since it was first broadcast on 05.02.2017, there has been no stopping it (here is the link to the program: WDR “Wunderschön” Seychelles ). In the first few weeks after the broadcast, I had the feeling that the entire German-speaking world wanted to get married in the Seychelles and be photographed by me!

As a result, I photographed significantly more weddings in the Seychelles than in my home country of Germany in 2017. This will also be the case in 2018. There are two main reasons for this: On the one hand, the flight of inquiries from couples getting married in the Seychelles just won’t stop (and it’s about to get even bigger, as you’ll read below) – and on the other hand, as 2017 draws to a close, I’ve once again realized how valuable it is not to pack every weekend in Germany with weddings, but instead to go on weekend trips with the family or simply sit in a beer garden with a few dear friends and enjoy life. You only live once!

Our son will start school at the end of August 2018. From then on, we are dependent on the weekends to be able to spend free time together without homework or other obligations. And we will have to rely on school vacations to be able to travel together. We have therefore decided to enjoy the first eight months of the coming year as much as possible. I have accepted very few wedding assignments here in Germany so that we can tick off a few more things on our travel wish list in 2018. But don’t worry, for your wedding in the Seychelles (Click here for more info!) or wherever (Click here for more info!) I am of course still available at any time, both outside and inside the school vacations.

I “have” to go to the Seychelles three more times before Tom starts school, but I will also be going on several more trips with the family. We will start in January, when our three-week family trip to Thailand begins. In addition to three days in Bangkok and three days in Singapore, we will spend most of our time on the wonderfully chilled-out dream island of Koh Lanta, where we can relax and unwind. From our terrace, we can jump straight into the huge pool or alternatively walk a few steps further to the beach. Heart, what more could you want?

After our return, there are only a few weeks left before I go to the Seychelles for the 24th time. Not only numerous German wedding couples are waiting for me there, but also the next TV station that wants to film with me on location! My work as a wedding photographer in the Seychelles will be the focus of this travel documentary and we will travel to several islands together. I’m really looking forward to the filming days on my favorite islands! 😀 As soon as a broadcast date is fixed, you will be the first to know.

In addition to my five “honeymoon trips” to the Seychelles , another highlight of 2017 was of course my appearance at the dforum festival! On September 2, I gave my presentation on “Professional Wedding Photography” at the popular photography event, also known as the “Little Photokina”. I still feel very honored that CANON, the largest camera manufacturer in the world, chose me as the only speaker on the topic of “Wedding Photography”. The most popular speaker of the day was the world-famous nature filmmaker Andreas Kieling, who presented his lecture on “Nature Photography” to around 2,000 visitors.

The first weddings in the Seychelles are already on the calendar for 2019 and 2020. After the first broadcast of the new TV documentary, there will certainly be a few more. Ideally, get in touch with me as early as possible if you would also like to get married in the Seychelles!

As usual, here are some pictures of the year that is now coming to an end. Yes, there have been quite a few this year… 😉 You can find even more Seychelles pictures from 2017 in my FOTOMANN annual review: FOTOMANN’s Year in Review 2017

Have a good 2018 and stay healthy!
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