Wedding Seychelles – Wedding photo of the week

Wedding Seychelles – Wedding photo of the week

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 2283

You already know Filipina and Bobi from Stuttgart if you follow my blog. Their wedding in the Seychelles took place in November 2017 on La Digue, my favorite island in the Seychelles.

The first day of photography took us to Anse Cocos, Petite Anse and Anse Source d’Argent, among other places. On the second day of photography, we took it a little easier and started our photo tour at a leisurely pace after breakfast. This is the first picture taken on the second day of photography on La Digue. The cute dogs were of course the icing on the cake for our perfect wedding picture! 😀

If you want to stay up to date, you should definitely follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I post new wedding photos from the Seychelles several times a week!

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