Honeymoon in the Seychelles – or: Where to go after the wedding?

Honeymoon in the Seychelles – or: Where to go after the wedding?

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Where to go on your honeymoon? “Mine” Bridal couples are of course particularly well off, as they have not only landed in the Seychelles for a short time to get married, but usually spend at least 14 days there after the wedding ceremony to honeymoon on the spot. But many wedding couples are spoiled for choice.

Where to go on your honeymoon?

Many couples decide long before the wedding ceremony that they want to spend their honeymoon on a small dream island with lots of palm trees and crystal-clear water. I am often asked for advice – I am considered by many of my friends to be the expert on tropical dream islands, having traveled to quite a few of them. “Where do you go on your honeymoon?” I am asked – and you can imagine that this question is not too easy to answer. After all, there is a lot to think about here:

Is a small dream island really the right choice for us or are metropolises like New York or Singapore more suitable? Can we get through the day without getting bored without a lot of culture and any shopping opportunities? What is the maximum length of the flight – and what budget is available? A flight to Bora Bora is significantly more expensive and also significantly longer than a flight to Mallorca (where you can definitely have a great flit!).

You can get a quick and uncomplicated overview of flight costs at https://www.billigfluege.de/, for example. The choice of accommodation is more difficult: depending on the destination, prices often range from “very moderate” to “deluxe extreme”:

For a clean, small room in my favorite guest house in the Seychelles, I pay just 35 euros per night as a repeat offender. However, an overnight stay on North Island, the finest luxury resort in the Seychelles, is not available for less than 2,000 euros per person (see, for example, North Island at Seyvillas ).

If the flight time is not a major factor and the bride and groom are keen to see as many deserted dream beaches as possible, I recommend a honeymoon in Polynesia. On the countless islands of Polynesia, one dream beach follows the next. If you decide to go “island hopping” and visit several of the Society Islands and several islands in the Tuamotu archipelago, you will be amazed by the beaches. I will probably introduce some of these islands in more detail soon so that you can get to know a few “new” islands here in the Seychelles blog… 😉
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