Dream beaches in the Seychelles: Petite Anse Kerlan on the island of Praslin

Dream beaches in the Seychelles: Petite Anse Kerlan on the island of Praslin

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1308
Having already introduced you to my favorite beach on the island of Praslin, Anse Georgette (see Anse Georgette), today it’s time to introduce you to my second favorite beach on the island:

Petite Anse Kerlan – just like Anse Georgette – is also located directly at the Constance Lemuria Resort (see Constance Lemuria Resort Seychelles).

Under the round roof, which you can see at the back, you can make yourself really comfortable and enjoy a delicious meal or just a drink with one of the most beautiful views on the planet.

I photographed my very first wedding in the Seychelles on Praslin. I also went to Petite Anse Kerlan with the bride and groom to take some beautiful wedding photos. I hope to be able to walk along this dream beach again very soon! 🙂
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