Dream wedding on La Digue

Dream wedding on La Digue

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 1276
“There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.”

This wise sentence by Jo Walton is one of my absolute favorite quotes. Unfortunately, I rarely manage to watch a sunset or even a sunrise at home in Germany, but I do so almost every day during my stays in the Seychelles.

I was able to experience this sunset at Anse Source d’Argent together with Andrea and Gaston, whose wedding on La Digue I accompanied in October 2014. If you follow my blog regularly, you already know how they came up with the idea of getting married in the Seychelles. Otherwise, one click is enough to find out: The story of Andrea & Gaston

“It was clear to me that you would photograph our wedding in the Seychelles after I saw on TV how you threw yourself into the sand for an awesome wedding picture in Hawaii!” Gaston told me on La Digue. Andrea and Gaston had seen the documentary on ZDF in which I was featured as a wedding photographer in Hawaii. You can find some information about this on The FOTOMANN with the ZDF on Hawaii. The complete TV report will soon be available here on the website!

But back to the current photo of the week: After I was able to take some great pictures with the two of them for several hours that day, we were rewarded with this fantastic sunset at the end. I’m already looking forward to my next “honeymoon” in the Seychelles!
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