Wedding on La Digue with a giant tortoise!

Wedding on La Digue with a giant tortoise!

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 2884

This only happens on my favorite island of La Digue: After Simone and Andreas’ wedding, we actually get a visit from a trusting giant tortoise on the beach!

You will never experience this on the larger islands of Mahé and Praslin, where turtles are not allowed to roam freely as they would pose too high a risk of accidents for drivers. On La Digue, on the other hand, there are some free-roaming specimens that like to come to the beach and watch the wedding! 🙂

If you are particularly interested in the giant tortoises of the Seychelles and have a somewhat larger budget, you should definitely visit Frigate Island Private vacation! There are so many free-roaming giant tortoises of all ages on this beautiful dream island that it’s hard to believe your eyes!

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