Wedding Seychelles – the photo of the week

Wedding Seychelles – the photo of the week

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 2826

Back in the summer of 2016, Franzi and Sascha from Düsseldorf booked me for their wedding in the Seychelles, which was to take place on my favorite island of La Digue on 18.04.2018. April 18th is also Sascha’s parents’ wedding anniversary, so this date has a very special meaning for Franzi and Sascha.

After almost two years of anticipation, the time had finally come: on April 18, 2018, we got married at Grand Anse on La Digue. They had booked me as their wedding photographer in the Seychelles for three days. After two great days of photography on La Digue and the surrounding islands, we took photos on the third day on the main island of Mahé. This is also where the current photo of the week was taken.

If you want to stay up to date, you should definitely follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I post new wedding photos from the Seychelles several times a week!

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