Wedding Seychelles – Wedding photo of the week

Wedding Seychelles – Wedding photo of the week

hochzeit seychellen beitrag 2294

Wedding in the Seychelles

I haven’t blogged here for a long time, as my “picture-showing activities” are largely “off” on Facebook and Instagram, at least at the moment. So that this doesn’t fall asleep, I’d like to show you a photo from my 28th trip to the Seychelles, which I recently completed:

Verena and Benjamin from Bamberg got married on La Digue in November 2018 and booked me for two days of photography. We spent the wedding day together on La Digue until sunset and took photos at almost every photo spot that my favorite island has to offer.

On the second day of photography, we took the first ferry over to the neighboring island of Praslin early in the morning at 07:30, where we then took photos at the “top spots” of Praslin. This photo I’m showing you today was taken at the beautiful Anse Volbert. Anse Volbert has the softest sand I have ever discovered in the Seychelles. Anyone who has ever walked along there barefoot will know what I mean.

If you always want to see the latest photos from the Seychelles, you should definitely follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I post new wedding photos from the Seychelles several times a week!

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