Interview with my bridal couple Nicole & Ben

Interview with my bridal couple Nicole & Ben

“Hello Torsten, we would like to get married in March 2022 (date not yet fixed). We have already been to the Seychelles twice and love the island of La Digue! We think your photos are simply fantastic and would like to book you!” So began the email I received from Nicole and Ben from Berlin in mid-May 2021.

Ten months later, the time had come. I accompanied them for two days – both on the super-sunny wedding day and on the following day, which was initially friendly but later overcast.

After the trip, I sent them my questionnaire. Enjoy reading their answers!

hochzeit seychellen nicole ben 01
Why did you get married in the Seychelles and not in Germany?

We visited the Seychelles in 2017 and 2018 and immediately fell in love with the island of La Digue. The decision to get married there was therefore made relatively quickly. As the wedding ceremony is also legally recognized in Germany without any problems, this further strengthened our decision to get married on the beach there.

Which airline did you travel with? And where was the wedding dress during the flight?

We flew from Berlin-Brandenburg Airport with Qatar Airlines and had to change planes once (Berlin > Doha > Seychelles). The wedding dress and the suit were transported in 2 separate garment bags in the aircraft cabin in addition to the normal hand luggage. For this purpose, both bags of clothing were collected by the cabin crew when boarding the aircraft and stowed in a separate cupboard.

Which islands in the Seychelles did you visit and where did you particularly like it?

We have already been to the islands of Mahé, Praslin and La Digue (2017, 2018 and 2022). Each island has its own flair and we liked it very much everywhere. Personally, however, we prefer to be on La Digue. We love “cruising” around the island on our bikes and coming across the occasional wild turtle here and there. Furthermore, despite its small size, the island offers many possibilities. From fantastic beaches for swimming and snorkeling to short hikes… we never got bored.

Will you visit the Seychelles again? If so, what would you do differently from the previous trip? And what would you do again if necessary?

Yes, we will be back 🙂 We have certainly not been to the Seychelles for the last time!

We would definitely book a guesthouse/apartment with breakfast again. You don’t need a high-priced beach location, as everything is easily accessible by bike.

Are there any things you would recommend to couples who want to get married in the Seychelles (e.g. in terms of wedding attire)? And are there perhaps also things that you would advise against?

Be relaxed, don’t worry too much in advance. Everything can be found on site.

If you’re planning on scrambling up rocks with Torsten, you should be aware that your clothes will definitely suffer a little. Especially an “opulent” wedding dress with a long train can be a hindrance. It is also quite hot. I would definitely advise against many layers of fabric and long lace sleeves. I had 2 extra layers of tulle removed from my dress in advance and there was still more than enough fabric left. Please bear in mind that you will be out and about with Torsten for a while and may get wet. Then the wedding dress can also become quite heavy. But it also dries just as quickly. A change of shirt for the groom, possibly with short sleeves, is also highly recommended. My husband would have been very happy about that 😉

There’s a solution for everything – even if it’s putting on the wedding dress right on top of a rock. Just enjoy your time, you will be rewarded with beautiful photos.

We took photos together on two consecutive days. Were there any photo spots that you particularly liked?

We love the photos with the old trees in the east of La Digue! Also the “Crocodile Rock” and the pictures taken at the northern tip of La Digue. Of course, the sunset photo spots at Anse Source d’Argent are also great! If you love turtles and palm trees like we do, Sister Island/Grande Soeur is the place for you 🙂

Why did you decide to have me photograph your wedding? How did you come across me?

If you are looking for tips for the Seychelles, you quickly “stumble” across Torsten’s wedding pictures and various TV programs. At the latest after we had seen the program “Wunderschön” we knew, if wedding photographer then he. Torsten loves the islands and his job! You can just tell. He gives his all to ensure that the bride and groom have an unforgettable day.

We chose Torsten because we are absolutely convinced of the quality of his pictures and the way he stages the bridal couples. Having had the chance to get to know him on the phone beforehand, we had the feeling that it would also be a good fit on a personal level. This was very important to us, as my husband is an absolute photo grouch and even he was absolutely happy with the choice we made after 2 days of photography! We just wanted someone who could get the whole thing across in a relaxed way. Of course, it is also much easier if you can discuss your wishes and ideas in your own language. Our English is basically not bad, but it does simplify a lot of things.

You have now received your pictures from me. How do you like them?

The pictures are gorgeous! We have so many unbelievable favorite pictures.

A little tip: Remember, it doesn’t always have to be fantastic weather with perfect blue skies. On the contrary. Many pictures look much more impressive with a few clouds in the sky, even if they are gray. Torsten captures these moments very well, creating a really great atmosphere in the pictures.

Were there any experiences/places/situations during our photo tours that you particularly like to remember?

We particularly enjoyed the excursion to Big Sister Island. Here we climbed up a very high rock (according to you, we were the first of your couples to climb up there). It was a challenge, especially with the wedding dress, but it was definitely worth it. The many free-roaming giant tortoises there were also great.

Why should couples who want to get married in the Seychelles use my services?

Because you offer a perfect “all-round carefree package” and this special moment is simply captured individually and personally by you. You simply know where and when you have to be with the bride and groom, whatever the weather and lighting conditions. Even a “photo grouch” like my husband had 2 unforgettable days, which were a lot of fun for him and us!

Thank you very much, dear ones! Do you have any final words? If so, now is the right time!

Many thanks for the wonderful 2 days with you. We can only recommend every bridal couple to book you. You made it very easy for us to climb rocks or run in the sand on the beach in the heat of the day in our wedding dresses and suits. We experienced many unforgettable moments with you and captured them in pictures, thanks to you.

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