“Hey Torsten! What do we actually do when it rains during our photo time in the Seychelles?” 💧 Well – nice photos, of course! 🤩
It rarely rains for hours on end during the day. Depending on the time of year, it can sometimes rain for hours at night, but during the day – at least in the months when I’m always in the Seychelles (February + March and October + November) – it’s usually only short showers.
This was also the case at the end of November 2022 on the third photo day with Maida and Christian from Austria. We spent the third day of photography on the island of Praslin until sunset.
When the sun came out during a brief shower, we spontaneously stopped at the side of the road and took a short series of photos. This is one of the many beautiful pictures that were taken.
Incidentally, the locals in the Seychelles call the rain “liquid sunshine”! 😊
Wedding photos in the rain?
- Torsten Dickmann
Wedding photos in the rain?
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